The golden Premium Flag is an exclusive flag for premium membership.
Deploy points: 50
Capture points: 10
Capture-on points: 50
Distance to own flags: 99m
Distance to other flags: 33m
Are you aware of all the benefits of a Premium membership?
Here is a list of all the great reasons for becoming a premium member of FLAGSTACK…
- Team leader for the Team battle
- Ad free app
- Double the free flag for daily logins
- Filters for flags on map and list-view
- Receive push-Jumper notification 5 minutes earlier
- Detailed points activity via app
- Ability to turn off sound in app
- Ability to turn off notifications in app
- Top 100 stats in app and on the web (instead of top 10)
- Bargain flag package (valued at 32.93 Euros when purchasing the PM)
- Exclusive golden Premium flag
- Double capture points for system flags (orange)
- Ability to deploy certain flags via the web (like Green (max. 25 pcs/day), Oracle, Eternal & Dice…)
- Ability to exchange a green flag to a special flag via the web
- Early news release
- Special gifts/vouchers (flags/options)
- Quick premium support for requests and issues, such as changing user name, clarification of rules, a one-off “one-time-is-no-time” fix of a streak for the last 30 days.
So you can see it is well worth it to become a Premium Member!