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01. Flagstack 2.0 powered by OESA (5)

We are currently checking the technical and legal possibilities, more information will follow shortly.

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Flags without owner open
Score/Streaks are empty open
Teamplayers appear multiple times open

If you still have a problem, please contact info@flagstack.net with more information.

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Flagstack is gradually being transformed into an open source project. Until the project is publicly available and openly licensed, we are optimizing the source code and switch APIs to open alternatives.

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You can get involved by becoming a volunteer in one of the flag teams and/or registering as an OESA member to have a strategic say in how the project progresses. You can also support the continued existence of the game by purchasing something in the game or giving us feedback to improve the game.

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Some of you have signed up as volunteers and formed teams. The flag teams Admins, Organizers and Communicators are getting together to improve Flagstack and plan actions – from the community for the community. The first meetings of the flag teams Admins and Organizer have already taken place and at the end of next week we will meet in the team Communicator. Feel free to reply to this message if you would also like to get involved.

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